obigen satz habe ich heute auf meiner gehaltsabrechnung stehen und ich bekomme 30 euro abgezogen. kann mir jemand sagen, was das bedeutet?:cry:
Dreifache (aber minimale) Erhöhung für Diesel und Benzin
As every year in March, you will see on your salary statement a deduction of EUR 29,00 (Cotis. Chambre Empl.Privé - code 181).
As employees in Luxembourg we are automatically registered as members of the CEPL (Chambre des Employés Privés).
The contribution is part of their budget, enabling them to fulfil their "mission", which is basically to protect the rights of employees in Luxembourg, by commenting law projects, representing in state councils, contributing to the concept and organisation of training facilities, offering training themselves via their "Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Center" (LLLC) and distributing information. You may find more information, however in French only, on their website