Guten Morgen zusammen,
weiß jemand zufällig, wie lange die "Baustelle" vor Munsbach noch gehen soll?
Und vor allem: was wird hier eigentlich gemacht?!?!?
A1: Closure of the slow lane of the Munsbach Viaduct A1: Closure of the slow lane of the Munsbach Viaduct Following a defect at the pavement joint of the Munsbach Viaduct (OA1135) of the A1 motorway in the direction of Luxembourg, traffic had to be closed on the slow lane. The Roads and Bridges Administration is implementing the necessary measures to restore traffic as soon as possible, while guaranteeing the safety of motorway users. Dams and diversions: The slow lane will remain closed until further notice. More information will be communicated in due course.
Scheint nur heute zu sein (Brückeninspektion):06/09/2023 de 09:30 à 17:30Travaux: Inspection: OA (ponts/tunnels)Ok. Ich weiß nicht mehr wo ich das heute morgen gelesen habe. Es war auf Luxemburgisch 🙂