A simple question: I live in Trier but will start working in Luxembourg. Where will I pay tax? Luxembourg or Germany? What happens if I get unemployed?
simple questions do not always have simple answers: - taxes: generally, you pay taxes where you live; but if you only have your Luxemburgish income, you only pay taxes in Luxemburg. The tax is directly deducted from your salary. If you have other income, like e.g. rents from a house you own, you will have to pay taxes for these further incomes in Germany. - unemployment: you receive your unemployment money from the Deutsche Arbeitsagentur, i.e. Germany is responsible for you since unemployment issues are dependent from the place you live.
you may contact the department for foreign students (ASTA-Referat auslaendischer Studierender) of the student's council at the University of Trier: [email protected] or (0049 651) 996-3679
even if you are no student, they might be able to support you in finding English-speaking contacts in and around Trier.
hello again. the international meeting in the AStArix does still exist on every 1st an 3rd tuesday starting at 6pm. it's called Cafe Polyglot and there are "international tables" that means, that on the one table only english is spoken, on the next one only French or Spanish and so on.