Hallo, würde gerne wissen ob es in Luxembourg tariflich geregelt ist das es bei Umzug Sonderurlaub vom Arbeitgeber gibt, wenn ja wieviel? danke und Gruß

Real quick question (requires a yes or a no): I let the company I worked for know that I was moving to a new place on 1 November, 2007 back in April already. Two days were added to my holidaylist... The company ended our contracts in September and paid for unused holidays during the 2 months notice period but did NOT calculate with the 2 extra holidays for moving. Do they need to pay for the 2 extra holidays given for moving as well as I was still "hired" by the company until November 15th?
The extraordinary holidays that are due in the case of a removal must be taken at that moment. If your employer is nice he will allow you to take them later, but he is by no means obliged to do so.
This remark also applies to the extraordinary holidays that are due in the case of a mariage, death or draft of a familiy member.