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Dieselkraftstoff wird in Luxemburg teurer
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Luxemburg and German Taxes  

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22 Jahren  ago  

Hi Everybody, I'm currently working in Germany for a German company. As I'm a Luxemburg resident, I would like to know what are the conditions to fullfil in order to pay my taxes in Luxemburg instead of Germany. I rent an appartement in Germany (I'm too far from Luxemburg to travel back every day) but I drive back to Luxemburg every week-end. I also travel quite often for professional purposes. In the end, I will only be in Germany about 125 days since the start of my contract in April 2001. I have a Tax Card in Germany and I pay Taxes every month. Sorry for English question, but my German writing is definetly awfull !!!! Thanks a lot !!!

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22 Jahren  ago  

You pay your tax where you get your income! Sorry if you are engaged by a German enterprise you must pay the tax „at the source“ that means: where you get your income. Only chance I see: You (or your husband?) are getting a great deal of your income (other revenues?) in Luxembourg where you live. Perhaps you can change the company (or the company’s residence)? Another way: You are becoming independent, free-lancing or so. Then you may work all the world round paying income taxes in Luxembourg. Look for more information under the heading „Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen Deutschland-Luxemburg“!