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Diesel wird teurer in Luxemburg
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18 Jahren  ago  


I now live in Trier and work in Luxembourg. However, I might relocate to Koeln in the Summer and then commute once a week to work and work 4 days/week from home (am able to do this with the work I have). Is there anything I need to think of?

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18 Jahren  ago  

Hi phbsw., you did not mention your status, employee or free lancer,...

As the tax debate about workers in long-distance traffic shows, the definition of working place is in income tax very straight forward, that means location of working place is the very place you are working.

So I think, if your working 4 days/week at Cologne, your are working there for the Finanzamt at Cologne (nearly). Should you try to clarify!

It exist a legal framework for Teleworking in Luxembourg. But it the very point of income taxing that makes that possibility uninteresting for people domiciliated abroad. Think about!

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18 Jahren  ago  

Hey there,

I am a full time employee - not a freelancer, single and not married. I would be working from my own home and one day a week in the Lux office.

I would still think I would pay tax in Luxembourg as we do not even have a company in Germany and my income is paid by the Lux office...

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18 Jahren  ago  

Om du jobbar i Tyskland faar du vanligtvist ocksaa skatta där. Det spelar ingen roll om företaget bara har säte i Luxembourg, det räcker att du befinner dig paa tysk mark när du arbetar.

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18 Jahren  ago  

Ok, tack:) Vet du hur det funkar och hur mycket skatt det ar i Tyskland? Behover man da inte betala nagon skatt i Luxembourg?

Redan nu jobbar jag ett par ganger i veckan hemifran i Trier men det ar ju inget som skatteverket i Tyskland vet om. Far val gora samma sak om jag flyttar till Koln.

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18 Jahren  ago  

Genau das wollte ich noch sagen: Sprachlich wirst Du in Köln überhaupt keine Probleme haben, in Anbetracht dessen, dass Köllsch genauso unintelligibel ist wie das Luxemburgische...

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18 Jahren  ago  

Meffo, this was in Swedish....LOL!