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17 Jahren  ago  

I have the opportunity to work for a company based in Luxembourg for a couple of months. As I live in Köln they would like to hire me as a freelancer and I will be working from Köln as they need help expanding in the german, scandinavian and US markets. Does anyone have experience living and working in Germany but getting paid from Luxembourg by a Luxembourgian company? I will NOT work for any other company during this time as it is a full time position. Do I have to register as a freelancer in Luxembourg OR Germany? Where do I need to pay tax (this will be my only income)? Any tips?

Would it be possible to be hired full time on a permanent contract by this company and be paid as a normal grenzgänger even though I would work from home more than 50 %? Grateful for any tips or suggestions how to make this "easy".


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17 Jahren  ago  

easy? i think there is no way.

if you work as freelance, you are no "grenzgänger". you have to register in köln for your taxes...

and you have to pay your assurances by yourself - and in germany.

as i know. sun

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17 Jahren  ago  

Hi phatboysweden, crucial question: are you employee or independent? Since you are working (or: established as independent) in Germany, German tax and social security are concerned. You may ask German social security, if you really have the status of an independent (and are not "scheinselbständig"; that means, you are ressembling qua contract to be independent, but are are dependent exclusively on the ordering of one customer only and you are integrated in this enterprise like an employee).

You must have as an independent in Luxembourg at least a fixed establishment, par exemple: equipped office. In Luxemburg you are obliged to be enlisted in the legal social security system (double contributions, as employer and as employee!).

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17 Jahren  ago  

i am unemployed at the moment. i have never worked in germany (moved here for work in luxembourg in 2005) and have been employed in luxembourg until 2 weeks ago. now i have moved to Köln so i can no longer commute to luxembourg everyday. As mentioned, this is a full time job and will be my only source of income.

anyways, hope someone who has expreicence with this can get back to me - of course it is doable - hundreds of journalists do this everyday for example. thanks.

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17 Jahren  ago  

Of course one can do that. But you should be careful and, first of all, be clear, about your status (independent or not (social security / income tax).

Of course there are plenty of folk doing the same in Germany... and more and more do worse per hour than someone who is doing cleaning work.

As independent, you must look not only for the revenues, but also for the costs you will be incurring.